How Quarantine is Changing the Way We Celebrate


Social distancing has required us to get creative in the ways we commemorate life’s major milestones. Many have had to turn to virtual meetings, FaceTime and even greetings through windows for events like birthdays, engagement announcements or baby showers. NPR highlighted some of the ways in which folks are celebrating the most important moments in their lives in the time of COVID-19 quarantine.

Teachers have driven through their beloved students’ neighborhoods to simply wave and show how much they miss their classes. One couple married on the street with their officiant reciting vows from the apartment stories above them. Families have honored their loved ones’ momentous birthdays by holding signs with loving messages in their front yards.

As I sit here writing this, my eyes are welling up with tears. Part of me mourns the loss of physical human connection we’re all experiencing right now. I mourn the opportunities people have lost to embrace and be surrounded by their loved ones on these special occasions. The larger part of me is hopeful for the new culture of communication and connection we’re creating as a result of quarantine - that by social distancing now we’re actually community building for the future. I hope that as a society we no longer take for granted the time we have with the people in our lives.

The Elsewhere team continues to share its love and support to everyone experiencing this massive shift in how we live, celebrate and gather. Here are some of the ways we’re hoping to help folks continue their celebrations during and after quarantine:

Continue to be well, stay home as much as possible and tell your loved ones how much they mean to you everyday. Can we also make a commitment to one another that after this is all over we’ll continue to support and celebrate one another as if we may not get to do it in person ever again?


Kristin & the

Elsewhere Team