Posts in Restaurants
Elsewhere Holiday Gift Guides: For the Foodie

We’re keeping the good vibes rolling and thinking ahead to the holiday season. This will be the first of many gift guides that cater to the special folks in our lives and their unique interests. Today we’re highlighting some of the best holiday gift ideas for a foodie. Ranging from cookware to kitchen accessories, we have a little something for every culinary enthusiast in our guide & links below.

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How Quarantine is Changing the Way We Celebrate

Social distancing has required us to get creative in the ways we commemorate life’s major milestones. Many have had to turn to virtual meetings, FaceTime and even greetings through windows for events like birthdays, engagement announcements or baby showers. NPR highlighted some of the ways in which folks are celebrating the most important moments in their lives in the time of COVID-19 quarantine.

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Local Restaurants Offering Curbside Pickup During COVID-19

Local restaurants and small businesses have been among the most negatively impacted groups since the COVID-19 outbreak. Local officials have called for bar and restaurants closures to further encourage folks to stay home and flatten the curve of the spread. This means restaurants have had to reevaluate their daily operations or close for business entirely. In the hopes of maintaining some normalcy while respecting social distancing, these restaurants in both Oshkosh, WI and Savannah, GA are offering curbside pickup and delivery.

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