Is your WFH office working for you?


How to make your home office a productive space during self-isolation

Many folks are working from home as a result of quarantine, a privilege we don’t take lightly during these uncertain times. For some, this is a blissful opportunity to be in your own space. For others, it can be difficult to find a work-life balance in which you’re productive and focused. We’re not going to pretend that times are normal, so we understand that working as such is unrealistic. However, some folks find comfort in routine. Ensuring your work space feels comfortable, positive and productive is more valuable than ever. Here's how we’re doing it.

  1. Keep it simple. You don’t need to be a minimalist in order to be productive, however, having a tidy space with the necessities on hand helps with tackling the day’s projects. There is truth to the “clear space, clear mind” mantra and we are big believers in having our work area organized before getting down to business. For us, keeping clutter at bay helps with staying focused on our job. We personally choose to reflect a simple design aesthetic into our home offices to maximize creativity.

  2. Bring the outside in. We are proponents of having plants and flowers in every room of our homes and our offices are no exception. Plant life purifies the room and gives our eyes something organic to look at after staring at a computer screen for hours. We also choose to set up our offices in rooms with large windows. Having natural light fill the room when you’re working from home is a mood lifter - we’ll take all of the Vitamin D we can get these days.


3. Don’t skimp on your office chair. Whether you prefer to work from your couch, desk or kitchen table, don’t skimp on comfort when it comes to where you sit while working. Having a supportive seat to work from throughout the day will keep you comfortable or productive. While we recommend having a designated area for work, play, relaxation, eating, etc. while working from home, you certainly need to do what’s best for your lifestyle. Wherever that place is, keep it comfortable.

4. Set a schedule & create boundaries. When working from home it can be easy to blur the lines between your home and work lives. Create a defined schedule that ensures you focus on your work while also making space for meaningful breaks and personal time. Part of your schedule should include a true lunch break, if possible, and time set aside to be away from your desk to clear your headspace. Once your work is completed for the day, strive to switch your mindset from your job to your home life. This can be difficult enough in regular circumstances, let alone during a pandemic when we’re all trying to overcompensate for the slow in business. However, if you have the ability to give yourself those boundaries, do it. You deserve that balance.

5. If it’s not working for you, switch it up. If you’re not finding your current work space to be inspiring or conducive to being productive a.) that’s okay - you’re allowed to not feel inspired or productive right now. We are living through a pandemic. b.) try rearranging your space to give your eyes a fresh perspective. Whether you change the orientation of your desk, declutter your bookshelf, light a new candle, put on your favorite playlist or completely change which room you’re working from all together, switching things up slightly can give you a renewed view of your office and help it feel like a different space.


Being productive isn’t the most important thing right now - surviving and getting through each day is. Some of us find peace in being able to control parts of our day, which can include our work routines and office spaces. If you’re able to create a joyful work area that makes you feel accomplished in your own way, that’s amazing! We hope we’re able to provide some insight into what has helped us stay focused and inspired during this time. We’d love to hear about your tips for working from home. Comment below!